Our Infant Room is divided into two sections. 6 weeks – 11 months on one side. 12 -17 months on the other. (It’s a large room.)

In addition to all the love and attention your child receives, our classroom focuses on enhancing various skills throughout the day. Teachers provide stimulation to each infant as they listen to classical music, lullabies, and nursery rhymes daily. We also teach small/large motor skills and language development.

Caring for your Infant:
Our classroom prides itself on offering high quality childcare for your infant. Our staff is attentive and dedicated to your child’s needs throughout the day. Teacher-child interaction is very important to us as Early Childhood Educators.

One of the most important qualities our Staff offers in the room is a nurturing environment. We make sure that we provide special attention whether it is cuddling or singing to your child. There is constant stimulation all day long.

Building Relationships:
We believe an infant needs a consistent and loving caregiver. Someone who is always there when they cry, need to eat, need to sleep, or when they just need a hug and some love. We are always there to give love and affection to the babies! We insist on building a solid relationship of trust between the parent, caregiver, and child.

Learning Through Play:
We look for “teachable moments”‘ where our teachers can stimulate brain development. While your child interacts with staff, we also encourage your child to interact with other children. Teaching children, at a young age, to share with each other and take turns is an important skill to learn at an early age. On the older side, we implement a schedule and a curriculum.

Lesson Plans & Activities:
Our team of teachers consistently plan and implement activities during the day. We encourage growth and development by planning age appropriate, fun, activities for infants to participate in. Our lesson plans are posted on our parent boards for parents to review.

Parent Boards:
Our classroom has two parent boards located inside and outside the classroom for parents to review. Please check for information such as lesson plans, child sickness, lunch menu, upcoming events, newsletters, and other important information. Our parent boards are updated weekly to keep parents informed.

Tummy Time:
As part of our daily routine, our staff encourages children to work on their muscles by offering a tummy time. This is usually a brief period of time a couple of times per day. Tummy time encourages children to develop their gross motor skills by pushing up on with their arms. Eventually, the child will learn to crawl from this position. Having infants getting used to being on their bellies is an important step for the development process. We love playing with infants on their bellies!

Simple Sign Language
Our staff enhances the communication process through simple sign language. We teach children certain key words like more, please, all done, thank you, love, help, etc. Various signs are taught during the day while in care. We continue teaching the children simple sign language when your child transitions into the toddler room. Should your child perform a hand motion all the time at home and you do not know what it means, don’t be afraid to ask us!

Child Transitions:
The transition process from one side to the other begins at about 11-12 months of age, depending on your child’s development. During this time, when infants begin showing signs of leaving the infant stage and entering the toddler stage, we introduce a new schedule, consistent with the toddler room. Your toddler will begin learning new skills such as sleeping on a cot, drink from a sippy cup, and using toddler sized utensils. We practice these skills until they are ready to transition, which is about the 18 month mark. Within this time, your child will begin visiting the toddler room for a couple of hours during the day in a two-week period. Once the child is comfortable in their new surroundings and the child is emotionally, socially, and cognitively ready, the transition will be finalized. Please ask should you have any questions about the transition process.

Diaper Changes:
Diapers are changed every two hours, unless needed. All diaper changes are recorded on the daily sheets and marked with the teacher’s initials upon changing. All hands (big and little) are washed after diaper changes to prevent germs from spreading.

Cribs & Personal Belongings:
Every crib in the classroom is labeled with a child’s name on it. Each child is assigned their own crib, each day the crib sheet will be changed and the crib will be disinfected. Please store your extra diapers, wipes, clothes and other items in your child’s cubby. Please take home your child’s blanket on Fridays to be washed.